Tribal News
Chippissuog aunchemookaonk
Obituary of Sachem /Chief Linda Morales Morceau
Feb 2022
Service For Linda Sqau Sachem Yellow Feather
Memorial Prayer Authored by Chief Yellow Feather used for her memorial: The Creator Called Me Home
Photo Book of Green Cornfestivals Available Contact Katherine Morceau for details
Chappiquiddic Tribe's Bill for State Recognition was Filed with the Massachusetts Senate 2019
On Tuesday November 19 Tribal Chief Linda Morales-Morceau Spoke on Behalf of Senate Bill S-1832
On 1/22/2019 The Senate Bill was Refered to the committee on Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight
Please call and email your Legislator on behalf of this Tribal Legislation
Senate Bill S-1832 Links to actual bill etc
Upcoming Saturday August 24, 2019
Tribal Meeting 1 PM
Lakeville, Mass
Schemitzun August 24 and 25th
May 22, 2019
Tribal Chief Linda will address fellow members of the Captain Joshua Gray and Jonathan Hatch Chapter of the DAR
Northside Methodist Church South Dennis Massachusetts
Tribal Naming Ceremony took place on Sunday July 22, 2018 in Lakeville, Mass
The ceremony was conducted by Tribal Chief Linda Morceau and Second Chief Tom Frederick both medicine in their own right
Those taking names were Steven "Kidbro" Hawksworth Chappiquiddic Tribe and
Travis Harris, Seminole Tribe and Friend of the Chappiquiddic
The participants were congratulated by tribal members in attendance while enjoying Peach's coffee and other refreshments.
Tribal Naming Hingham Massachusetts 7/3/2016
Green Corn Festival Whitman VFW 2017
Wedding Ceremony
July 14, 2013 2:pm
Pocasset, Ma
Pot luck to follow at Aptuxet VFW
December 8th 2012
Linda Morales-Morceau, Sachem
Inducted into the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) as a member of the
Captain Joshua Gray - Jonathan Hatch Chapter Brewster Massachusetts
Any relative or tribal member wishing to join the DAR or SARfeel free to contact Linda
October 2011 The Chappiquiddic Farm Project
Chief Linda Morales-Morceau met with the land trust in Fairhaven and sercured the use of farmland through the Non-Profit Peaceful Gathering Place.
June 2010
Chief LInda Morales-Morceau featured speaker at
Highland House Museum Truro - Truro Archaeology: Overview A Hands-On Exhibit
March 2010
Mass. tribes seek separate voice
"Linda Morales-Morceau, chief of the Chappiquiddics, agreed with the decision to reject the money, comparing it to trading "beads for Manhattan," while Spring Buffalo said Cape Wind is an inevitability and the money could have been used to help his tribe during a brutal economy. But both said their tribes should have been consulted as fellow Wampanoag who share concerns about their ancestors' burial grounds and other affects of the project.
The Pow Wow List Wandering Bull Pow Wow Schedule
November 2009
Linda Morales-Morceau, Sachem
Keynote Speaker for Commonwealth of Mass Dept of Transportation
Native American Heritage Day
Excerpts from her talk that day
Overview I Walk in Two Worlds - Highlights Chappiquiddic Wampanoag
Poetry How I walk Mother Earth
Peaceful Gathering Place Mission Statement
In 2008 the Chappiquiddic Tribe was invited to participate in the Real Native film project by PBS and WGBH. This was to be a series of independent films produced by Native Americans under the direction of staff at WGBH in Boston. The project was initiated by Sharon Grimsberg in concert with the series “We Shall Remain”. Linda Morales-Morceau, Chief attended a seminar consisting of a series of classes at WGBH in Boston. The Chappiquiddic film was the first to be completed and was presented to a panel of the corporate sponsors as evidence of the quality of the films being produced.
The video is still posted on the We Shall Remain Website under the tab ReelNative the link is posted here Reel Native
Naming Social July 7,2007 Pocasset
Read more:
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ORLEANS - The discovery of American Indian skull fragments at a construction site last week has put the expansion plans of an East Orleans family on hold while state archaeologists and Commission on Indian Affairs officials decide how best to honor the remains.
The Nauset
Source: "Orleans" by Daniel Lombardo and
| |
Orleans and state police, and a representative of the state medical examiner's office were called to the undisclosed property immediately to determine whether it was a crime scene, Loparto said.
That was quickly ruled out and Loparto was called in to examine the bones. He determined they were American Indian remains due to the coloration and the teeth, he said. The exact age of the bone fragments has not been determined, but native peoples have inhabited Cape Cod for more than 10,000 years, he said.
The remains are probably that of a Nauset Indian, Loparto said. The Nauset were related to the Wampanoag, and were the native peoples who greeted French explorer Samuel de Champlain when he and his party docked in Nauset Harbor in 1605.
''Everything is pretty preliminary,'' Loparto said yesterday, as he walked around the East Orleans neighborhood so he could make a sketch map.
Archaeologists are reluctant to give specific locations when ancient remains are found, Loparto said, because they attract what he called ''pot hunters,'' who look for artifacts. For the same reason, he declined to name the property owners.
Loparto said he will have a report for the historical commission in the next few days.
Under the state's Unmarked Burial Law, if human skeletal remains are accidentally uncovered, all activity must stop and a site evaluation must be made to determine if they are American Indian, said John Peters, executive director of the state Commission on Indian Affairs.
If the remains are American Indian, the state archaeologist, a representative of the commission and the landowner decide together how to re-bury them and keep them from being disturbed again, he said. If, for some reason, the remains cannot be buried in the same spot, the commission has burial sites across Cape Cod for re-internment, Peters said.
Officials and the homeowner also make a joint decision about the property owner's construction plans. Sometimes owners are asked to relocate or re-design their project, he said.
Peters plans to visit the site today or tomorrow, and will be part of the decision as to where the skull will be re-buried.
In most cases, remains can be placed at or close to the spot where they were accidentally disturbed, he said.
Robin Lord can be reached at
(Published: August 31, 2006)
~EB land sold for $3 million at auction, (Native American burial grounds) ~
By Marcy Murphy, Enterprise correspondent
EAST BRIDGEWATER - A 38.5-acre property sold for just more than $3
million Wednesday at an auction that drew interested builders and
residents concerned about the land because of its history as an American
Indian burial ground and its protected species.
The land was purchased for $3,050,000 by Tom Duggan of Duggan Builders,
based in Canton, who builds single-family Colonial-style houses.
The lakefront property is located on the south side of Pond Street and
west of Robbins Pond.
The sale included the island located in the middle of the pond, known as
Osceola Island.
The land was owned by resident Evelyn Waldorf, who died Aug. 4 at age 94.
Waldorf had granted power of attorney to the Full Gospel Tabernacle
Church Trust.
She had been active with the Full Gospel Tabernacle Church of Brockton.
The auction was held on site and was run by Fisher Auction Co., based in
Pompano, Fla.
Despite Wednesday's rainy weather, residents attended the auction because
of their concern for the stretch of land that is rich in history.
The deed, which has been under review by Selectwoman Theresa McNulty and
town counsel, states there is a "burial belonging to the heirs and
descendents of a family of Indians formerly known as the Robbins Family."
The land's history as a burial ground has also been documented by
Williams Latham in "Epitaphs in Old Bridgewater." Latham lived in East
Bridgewater and died in 1883.
Documentation from Ed Bell, senior archeologist at the Massachusetts
Historical Commission, states there is a "recorded ancient Native
American archeological site within the property."
Bridgewater resident Gill Solomon, or Feather-on-the-Moon, is a sachem or
leader for the Massachuseuk-Ponkapoag people.
Before the auction, he had voiced his concern about the auction because
of his ancestral connection to the land that he had often visited.
At the auction he said, "I'm not happy. I felt the land was safe in the
hands of the church."
Diana Lawless, or Strong Woman of the Wampanoag-Chappiquiddic, lives just
over the East Bridgewater line in Halifax.
She said she walks the area a lot and would like to see the land
"I hope (the developer) donates some (land) back to the town," she said.
East Bridgewater resident Jodi Adams, who lives across the street from
the area, said she wants to see the land stay the way it is.
"It's beautiful land. There's too much building going on," said Adams.
East Bridgewater resident Lee Wohlers appreciates the land for its
history and protected species.
"There's a long way to go before development," she said.
Before the auction, Louis Fisher, chief executive officer of Fisher
Auction, reminded the buyers they are buying the land "as is" and it is
up to them to do their own "due diligence."
Bidders at the auction had varying opinions on purchasing land with this
type of history.
David Gabriel of Gabriel Construction said burial grounds "can be a
headache in and of itself."
Duggan said there are "sites like this all over Canton. We'll do our due
McNulty, who was at the auction, said that even though the land has been
sold, it can still be registered with the National Register of Historic
The register is a national program that works to support, identify and
protect historic and agricultural resources.
Members of the East Bridgewater Historical Commission are researching the
registration procedure.
There are also Massachusetts General Laws that protect ancient burial
places and the Native American Graves Protection Act.
McNulty said that during development it is important to make sure the
laws associated with the land are followed.
Update 10/01/2006
The Robbins Pond archeological findings were positive. They found numerous graves(11 sites) where Strong Woman and her husband Fred said they were buried from information in the book Epitaph in Old Bridgewater,Massachusetts by William Latham, and also found campsites of Paleo-Indians(18,000 years old, ancestors of todays Wampanoag). The town wants to keep all artifacts found from gravesites, this issue is going to the state.The Repatriation Act should be followed here. See link below
Ancient cemetery could jeopardize builder's plans
By Marcy Murphy, Enterprise correspondent
EAST BRIDGEWATER - The Historical Commission says they have received word from an archaeologist that a tract of land slated for future development has a history as being an Native American graveyard.
The 38.5 acres of land is located on the South side of Pond Street and West of Robbins Pond. The land was owned by Evelyn Waldorf who died Aug. 4 2005, at age 94.
On Nov. 30, 2005 the land was purchased at auction for $3,050,000 by Tom Duggan of Duggan Builders of Canton.
Prior to the auction town groups had expressed concern because of its history which includes prior use as an amusement park, a family campground, and documentation as an Indian burial ground.
At that time Selectwoman Theresa McNulty pulled a deed to the property that states, "There is a burial belonging to the heirs and descendents of a family of Indians formerly known as the Robbins Family."
Williams Latham, who had lived in East Bridgewater also documented the land's history in 1882 in "Epitaphs in Old Bridgewater, Massachusetts."
When Duggan purchased the property he was made aware of the land's history, and said at that time he would do his "due diligence."
Duggan hired The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc., also known as PAL based out of Pawtucket, R.I., for a site examination, which is required under Massachusetts General laws when there is evidence or documentation of a burial ground.
Maryann Roan, vice chairwoman of the town's Historical Commission, and the commission met with PAL senior archaeologist Alan Leveillee last month, and some findings have cropped up of historical importance. The final report from PAL on the land is not complete as of yet.
In a letter drafted to the East Bridgewater Planning Board dated Dec. 13, Roan wrote, "Mr. Leveillee presented his preliminary findings yielded evidence indicating two areas of historic significance, some dating back 6,000 years, that permits consideration for placement on the National Registry for Historic Sites. Mr. Leveillee also indicated historical documents validate with certainty that the Robbins (Native Americans) graveyard exists or existed on the property."
Roan said that between the artifacts (which are not unusual to find) and the deed, there is enough evidence to support there is a Native American burial ground there.
"We haven't pinpointed it, but there are some hot spots (where it could be)," she said.
Roan explained that when the final report is finished it will include a "certain protocol" as to how development should be handled.
There are also Massachusetts General Laws that protect ancient burial places that include unmarked burial grounds.
Also in the letter Roan requests the Planning Board take "no action" on the proposed subdivision until the PAL report has been reviewed by the commission.
Planning Board Chairman Steven Belcher explained that at this time there is not much action to take, as the board has only received "preliminary plans" from Duggan to build a cluster subdivision on the land, not final plans.
"We don't have a definitive plan. There's been no public hearing yet on the land."
Michael Perrault, of P.M.P. Associates, a civil engineering and land planning firm, is working with Duggan on the plans.
According to Perrault, at this time there is already a "100-foot swath" around the pond that is being protected and will act as a buffer.
"We have stayed away from all areas identified as potential sites. We're very sensitive to these issues," said Perrault.
Perrault explained that testing of the land did not yield any graves. And that the land having been used as a campground "chewed up" areas. A leeching system was also found in the area. According to Perrault, Duggan has asked him not to finish any plans for development until it is known what areas need to be protected.
"We need to see the new areas from PAL," said Perrault.
Perrault said that less than half of the acreage would be used for development, and the rest would be designated as open space.
Friday, November 25, 2005
~Professor works to preserve historic American Indian site~
WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - A professor at the College of the Holy Cross is
trying to raise enough money to purchase a small plot of land in
Worcester that was once the site of a pre-Colonial era Nipmuc Indian
There is little left to indicate where the settlement was located, except
for an old metal sign erected years ago, that says nearby "is the Indian
spring and the site of the Indian village Pakachoag."
Thomas L. Doughton, of the college's Center for Interdisciplinary &
Special Studies, has formed the nonprofit New England Native Preservation
Trust to raise enough money to buy the small parcel where the spring
still exists.
"There wouldn't be any big memorial or anything like that," said
Doughton, himself a Nipmuc. "It'd be a contemplative, meditative place."
Holy Cross has also committed to the project by pledging $5,000 to the
foundation and by offering technical assistance.
Today, there's nothing left of the village and not much left of the
spring, either. The land's former owner filled much of the surrounding
wetlands because he didn't like neighborhood children skating on his
Doughton said he has talked to the property owner about buying the land,
a three- to four-acre parcel off College Street.
Doughton is not surprised that even longtime residents of the area didn't
know about the village.
"There's no question that residents of the hill have long forgotten that
Indians once lived here," he said. "But that's not surprising, because
theres a general sense in all of Worcester County that the Indians were
here one day and then they just disappeared. This is a very old notion."
For years, Doughton has been studying the history of the areas Nipmucs,
including those who lived on College Hill.
That community was intrinsically tied to the life of the Rev. John Eliot,
an English clergyman who spent much of his life converting Indians to
Eliot is most famous for transcribing and printing the Bible into the
Algonquin Indian language.
He began preaching and converting the Nipmucs in the 1640s.
"Many of the Nipmucs were willing to accept a new God because their world
had been turned upside down," said Doughton. "Their community had been
shaken by two pandemics and the arrival of the Europeans. Looking at the
circumstances, many of them probably thought the English God was stronger
than their own gods."
The villagers probably mingled traditional ceremonies and customs with
their Christian beliefs, Doughton said.
However they practiced religion, the spring was central to their lives.
The village at Pakachoag, which means "at river bend," in reference to
the nearby Middle River, remained until the time of King Philip's War.
Though the village disbanded after the war, many Nipmucs continued to
live in the area, including members of the Wiser family, believed to be
direct descendants of the high chief of all Massachusetts Indians.
The Wisers lived in an area of College Hill until about the Civil War.